Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Test your Learning/ 4 Functions of Behavior ABC123 Questions

    1. Intro to Rewards and Punishment: Need Picture (ice cream dropped it)

    2. Lesson 1: Intro to Rewards and Punishmet

    3. ASR #1 Think About It!

    4. Lesson 2: Debunking 4 Myths about Discipline and Rewards: Need Picture

    5. Lesson 2: Debunking Myths about Discipline and Rewards

    6. ASR #2 Think About It!

    1. Lesson 1: Intro to Rewards

    2. Lesson 1: Intro to Rewards: Video

    3. ASR #3 Think About It!

    4. Lesson 2: General Reward Guidelines: Need Picture

    5. Reward: Role Play #1

    6. General Reward Guidelines: Video

    7. ASR #4 Reward Quiz

    1. Lesson 1: Intro to Punishment

    2. Lesson 2: Punishment... or is it?

    3. Punishment: Roll Play 2

    4. Reward and Punishment Review

    1. Lesson 1: Intro to BX Reduction: Need Picture

    2. Lesson 2: "What Do I Have To Do With it?"

    3. Lesson 3: What the Heck is a Precursor and What to Do When you one!

    4. Reducing Problem Behavior Roll Play 2

    1. Lesson 2: Fading Prompts

    2. Teaching New Skills Roll Play 1

    3. Lesson 1: Identifying and Teaching Replacement Behaviors

    4. Lesson 1: Introduction to Tolerating Skills

About this course

  • 30 lessons